
Rattenbury is a multifaceted artist whose creative endeavors extend beyond the visual realm into the realm of music and composition. His musical compositions, deeply rooted in his appreciation for nature's beauty and tranquility, complement his artistic vision. Rattenbury has released two New Age albums, "Eternal Spirit" and "Ascension," featuring his original compositions. Both releases are available on popular platforms such as Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, and others. Rattenbury's music is characterized by its soothing and calming qualities, evoking a sense of peacefulness and serenity. His compositions often incorporate a blend of piano, guitar, and orchestral arrangements, creating a rich and immersive ambient experience. His artistic and musical pursuits are interconnected, informing and influencing each other. His visual artwork often reflects the themes and emotions explored in his music, and vice versa. This symbiotic relationship allows him to express himself holistically as both an artist and a musician.